Development Questions:

Question: Seven Islands (Bar Restaurant)
My name is Ollie N
.. I am a member of the NWNA. I own several gulf access lots in the northwest. I have followed the Seven Islands project as best as I could, however, I am unable to get an idea as to when it will actually break ground. I know you indicated that it is still in the permitting stage, but do you have any thoughts as to an actual start date? Thank you for your time.
Ollie, thank you for your inquiry. The work plan by the developer back when they were approved by the Council showed them breaking ground sometime in 2024. It all depends on how long it takes for permits to get approved. Sometimes they're approved quickly and sometimes they're not. At a minimum, we believe we'll see some type of work being done to prep for infrastructure sometime this year./John S

Question: Apartment Development (Old Burntstore and NW 40th LN
Have you heard anything more about the planned development of apartments and clusters by Welker properties at Old Burntstore and NW 40th lN?
Answer: Ray, There's nothing new on this project. It's still part of the developer's future plans, according to his website, but he seems busy with projects back in Texas right now. Sometimes these proposals get submitted and then sit for a few years before coming back as a reality or they never come back. As I said, it's still listed as a possibility for the future on his website. If we notice any movement on this one we'll get the word out to membership as soon as we can./John S.

Question: Island Pearl
Larry A
: I noticed the previously planned Island Pearl at the northwest corner of Burnt Store and Pines Island roads is no longer listed on the city’s developments website. Has that project been canceled?

Answer: Larry, I'm glad you enjoy the development updates. Thanks for asking about Island Pearl. This project's been long delayed but the developer requested commercial construction permits on December 18th so things should be moving forward there sometime in 2024.  We understand that a Dunkin Donuts would be one of the first things going up on the north side of the lot along Burnt Store Rd. A retail building would be south of that. Of course, nothing's a sure thing until the buildings start going up. No word yet on what they're going to do on their lot to the west except that they requested permits to demolish the vacant homes on that plot of land. /John S.