Membership Benefits

We offer our members the opportunity to be involved so that we can utilize our members' talents and enable members to make a contribution.

Communication on issues, events, and activities through informative email bulletins as well as electronic delivery of bulletins to keep you informed

  • Meetings are as necessary to keep members informed.

  • Ongoing status on current initiatives, through the "News" page and our Facebook Page.

  • A chance to contribute to this all-volunteer organization by joining one of our committees.

As a member, you will be kept up-to-date with what is going on in our neighborhood via regular email updates. You will:

  • Stay informed about NWNA activities and projects

  • Receive notification of meetings and group activities, as well as important land use and zoning changes

  • Be informed of government-initiated projects that may affect our neighborhoods, taxes, and assessments.


Ready to Join Us?

We invite you to include your voice, your opinions, and your experience in matters of common interest to all of us.